Internet marketing is the use of the tools available on the Internet in order to promote your business. You could have a brick and mortar store that you are trying to drive customers to. You could have a website trying to sell baby toys. Internet marketing has a place in everyone’s business. Here are some tips and tricks to optimize your efforts.

To market your business on the Internet, you should take advantage of social media. Sites like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube can be a great way to raise awareness of your brand. Just spending a few minutes a day on sites like these can significantly increase your business’ level of visibility on the web.

Be sure to have at least one very unique characteristic or offering on your website. If you can offer a unique, exclusive product, it can make a dramatic difference in the amount of traffic you receive. They may stay to look at other products you offer.

If your site has many images, it is always a good idea to label those images using the “alt” tag. Doing so will allow a lot more text to get searched by web crawlers passing through your site. Web crawlers can only search these labels, as well as captions around the image, but not the image itself. By taking this simple step, each image on your site will contribute to a higher search position.

When your Internet marketing strategy has brought customers to your website, it is important to get them to click the “Buy Now” button before they leave. The color and the words you use can make a difference. Orange is the best choice for the color. Change the words to “Add To Cart” and you will find an increase in sales.

Get your site linked in as many web directories as possible. The more you appear the higher your rank on search engine results pages. There are a myriad of web directory services available to which you can submit your website information. The more often your website comes up, the more popular it will become.

Add a frequently asked questions section to your website, especially if you tend to get the same questions in emails repeatedly. This will let your readers know that not only are you listening to them, you are responding. Developing a great rapport with your customer is just as important as any other marketing technique.

If your customer base is on the internet and you want to reach out to them stay in constant contact. However, do not be overly burdensome either. Send out emails on a periodic basis reminding them of your product or service, or even of new specials. This should ensure that you keep your current clientele and could quite possibly help you expand your clientele.

Email marketing is an important, beneficial tool. Make sure they stay protected! Free webmail services should be avoided, because they delete outdated messages; it is essential that you always have access to your past emails. Look into options for archiving emails. This is especially important if you conduct communications of a sensitive nature with your customers.

A good Internet marketing tip is to use the word “guaranteed” in your advertisement. People like being assured that a certain product works and that they are not risking their hard earned money. A good statement to include in any advertisement are statements like “This item contains a lifetime guarantee”.

Include interesting photos with your articles. People are very visual, especially on the internet, and a photo will often get them interested in reading more. Colorful and interesting photographs are best. Always make sure you have the proper permissions to post any photographs you plan to use with your articles.

Once you sell a customer a product you should follow up that sale by sending them a catalog that showcases add-ons that can enhance what they originally purchased. It would be even nicer if you offered them some type of discount since that would make them more likely to buy.

Pull in emails to create a list of prospects that you can communicate with directly through newsletters and other email campaigns. If you are funneling sales prospects to the vendor page you are losing the opportunity to build a relationship with them. The buyers are more likely to come back to you if they are receiving information from you that helps them know why they should by the product.

Hopefully you understand a little bit more about how to use Internet marketing and how it can help your business. In this new digital age, a company without an effective online presence is not going to go very far. Take advantage of these tools offered to you to make your business known by the widest range of people possible.

By Amel