Social Media Marketing Through Facebook – Strategies That Work!

Few things are as easy to master as Facebook marketing. A long time ago, you had to generate leads by taking your business to the customer, but now, Facebook brings the masses to you! Learn how to capitalize on this highly effective tool for marketing and improve your bottom line with the following helpful article.

You can quickly expand your viewers on Facebook by holding a competition. Offers can include discounts and prizes for users “liking” your page. Make sure you really do award the prize so you will be viewed as an honest businessperson.

A simple way to start a conversation with your Facebook fans is to respond to the feedback they leave on your page. This should include monitoring the wall comments as well as @ messages concerning your company. This is particularly important if the comment that has been left for you is negative.

While you want to advertise your products, this should not be the only content that is present on your Facebook page. You should share any information that you feel is relevant to your business. If people think that making money is your only goal, they will be hesitant to work with you.

Think of Facebook as a way to share content. It can be used for so much more than chit chat. Treat it as such. Write blog posts and then promote them using your Facebook page. You’ll soon learn that Facebook can get you a lot of people interested in what you’re selling.

Don’t ramble on your page. Don’t fall into the Facebook trap of thinking more posting is best. People don’t need to know every last thing you are up to. In fact, if you tend to ramble off-topic, you may actually be doing more harm than good. People follow you for a reason, so keep your focus on what you or your brand does best.

Remember to respect your followers privacy when using Facebook to market your business. If someone sends you a glowing review through a private message, remember to ask their permission before making it public. They may have chosen to send you the message that way because they did not want to be publicly acknowledged.

There is nothing wrong with posting links to content on your website from Facebook. People think that Facebook fans want to stay on Facebook all day – this is a myth. In fact, they’re quite happy to visit your site as long as you offer them something of interest, so give it a try.

Try using a call-to-action graphic to convert visitors to your page into followers of your page. This will encourage people to “like” your page in order to receive some discount or content. When people come to your page, all they see is “like our page for more info”, then after they like the page, they can see the content.

Create infographics. Infographics are a step up from pictures, and include information and relevant information that can be useful to your target market. When you create an infographic, it is even more likely to be shared by others because the information is valuable. This raises your profile, but it also makes you look like an expert.

Always integrate your Facebook page with your website. The look and feel of the Facebook pages needs to match your website and other social media accounts. If your website is primarily red with custom graphics, use the same graphics and colors on your Facebook page for a more authentic look.

Encourage your followers to interact with your brand and others on your page. If someone starts a conversation about something you’ve posted, let them continue talking. You may offend users if you constantly hound them to stay on the topic that it originated from. You should just intervene in the event that things start getting offensive.

Promote your Facebook posts on Twitter. Twitter is an amazing social media for link sharing. If you take the time to craft some excellent Facebook posts, then get the word out by passing it through your Twitter stream. Don’t be afraid to tweet it a few times over the course of the week to help the content gain some traction.

Keep your Facebook posts related to your the brand you are selling or at least to the relevant industry. You can discuss a related happening in the news, post a Youtube video that is about your topic or share interesting comments that have been shared by followers of your Facebook page.

Using Facebook to generate business for your company involves nothing more than a few minutes of your time every day. Hopefully this article has taught you the most efficient and effective ways to put this marketing tool to work for you. With a little practice, your business will really benefit from what you can do with Facebook!

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